April 29, 2009

It just keeps coming

Interestingly enough Senator Specter found all sorts of reasons to say that the Republicans of Pa. had turned against him but never touched on one of the most blatant reasons, his vote in favor of that horrendous $787,000,000,000.00 spending bill WITHOUT HAVING READ IT. For some reason it has become a good thing in his mind to blindly approve the spending of his constituent's money without ensuring that such spending is not only vital but appropriate. We've all read multiple times about the wasteful spending and those of us who pay attention have also read the Government Accounting Office's, Congress' own accountants, study of the bill that said not only will this spending not hit our economy until next year at the earliest but also that it would end up costing us, or more appropriately our children, several times the money that is being spent. Gee Senator, do you think that voting in favor of such tripe may just have had some impact on your re-election as a Republican in Pa., especially when we tend to be a little more on the fiscally conservative side of the house?

April 28, 2009

Finally some honesty from Specter

Arlen Specter has finally admitted that he is a Dem. I have been waiting for him to admit this for years and am not at all surprised considering that he is not conservative on the vast majority of issues including the Second Amendment and he is certainly not a fiscal conservative. Now I can only hope that there is a solid conservative voice found for the people of Pennsylvania, we need to get the country's fiscal house in order and the left will not do that, not that the Republicans did any better under the last administration.

Homeland Security?

Janet Napolitano is supposedly taking her new position seriously but one has to wonder just how serious she is about it. She starts her administration of that post by first deciding that the name terrorist should not be used in reference to persons such as Osama bin Laden and company. Then she starts insulting anyone who has ever served in our military and infers, at the very least, that anyone who disagrees with the Obama administration is a terrorist. So we can't call terrorists by that name but Americans who have served in the military or who disagree with ANY Obama postition a terrorist? Is there something wrong with that picture or is it just me?

Now we have the new swine flu "pandemic" that is affecting our country. We are not going to stop people from traveling to the origination point, nor are we going to stop those from that country from entering our country BUT we will have anyone who works in an airport and may come in contact with those people wear gloves and face masks. We are concerned about the health of the government employees but not for the general public? I thought that Homeland Security was supposed to be trying to protect the people.

April 23, 2009

What a joke

I've been sitting around for the past few days watching the various and sundry members of the majority in congress run for cover over water boarding. All of these people who are demanding investigations into the Bush administration seem to suddenly be suffering from memory lapses themselves. It really would be fall on the floor funny if it weren't so sad. They knew good and well what the CIA was doing, what had been approved and what kind of information was being garnered from these sessions but now are claiming that they weren't fully informed. Strangely enough though they seem to want to keep the actual meeting agendas away from the general public. Why am I not surprised?

April 22, 2009

Just me?

Perhaps it is just me but I find it interesting that the President has decided, this week, that he will leave open the possibility of prosecuting those who authorized the use of enhanced interrogation techniques on the terrorists that we have had in our custody. Mainly this is due to the fact that last week he stated quite blatantly that he would not do so. Which is it? This current administration is more confounding to me all the time. At one point we were promised the most open administration in history, then came the stimulus package that was pushed through before anyone in either house could have read it. Then we have all of the various and sundry appointees who have tax issues, and that doesn't even speak to those that have views that most Americans would find questionable. What is going on? How do we relieve ourselves from these professional politicians?

April 20, 2009

A new home

Welcome to my new digs! A little background is probably in order. My name is Bill and I live in the great state of Pennsylvania with my wife and daughter. I work as a programmer for a fortune 500 company, trend toward being conservative, am a 2A advocate, amateur photographer who specializes in nature and wildlife, and a huge Philadelphia Flyers fan. This is where I intend to express myself for anyone and everyone's viewing pleasure or displeasure. It is where I intend to let me be me. I hope that you will take my views into consideration and I will try not to be overtly negative, but I will go in the direction that my mind takes me. Have a great day!