Definition of COEXIST
: to exist together or at the same time
: to live in peace with each other especially as a matter of policy
Driving around for the past few years, I have been amazed at the number of vehicles I see with bumper stickers with a stylized version of the word coexist on it. The inference, of course, is that we should all join hands, sing Kumbaya, and get along, or at the very least just get along with one another. While an entirely laudable idea I would like to point out that both definitions require the other party(ies) to be in agreement with the concept, hence the "co" in coexist.
If someone, or a group of someone's, chooses to not willingly go along with the idea one must then decide how to handle the situation. If the other party or parties says; "I do not wish to coexist with you but I will leave you alone as long as you leave me alone," you can readily proceed with your life and things should be fine. However there are times, unfortunately with humans too many, in which the other person or persons say; "I do not wish to coexist with you AND you have something that I want," or "I do not wish to coexist with you AND I disagree with the way you act," "and I will therefore do whatever I have to do to either get what I want or force you to act as I see appropriate." In that type of situation the person wanting to coexist with the other has a decision to make; do I go along with my life hoping upon hope that they others will leave me alone or do I stand up, make a fist, and say come and take it? Some people, by their nature, will just turn the other cheek and hope that it all goes away. Some people will allow the other group to come and take what they will, or to force their will upon them, thinking that there is safety in giving up a little of what they already had.
There are others who are in agreement with Benjamin Franklin when he said;
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
He also told us; “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.”
Dr. Franklin gave us many fine quotes, he was one of the most prolific writers of the founding fathers. He, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and James Madison all gave us instructions about our nation and how to keep it strong and healthy, unfortunately it looks like the vast majority of our citizens have forgotten those lessons. I'm sure that all of these great men would be appalled at how this nation operates today. They would ask why we couldn't follow simple instructions and the answer, most often would be that we were too damn lazy. It absolutely shames me to say that but it is none the less true. Before we end up in a situation where we are not able to defend ourselves out of a coexistence situation I beg you to please go back and read the founders. They all wrote instructions for us not the least of which is the following by Thomas Jefferson;
“On every question of construction (of the
Constitution) let us carry ourselves back to the time when the
Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit of the debates, and
instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or
invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was
Never forget. God Bless America!