It really must be my imagination. I mean when President Bush went into Iraq the left and the press were screaming about how he was unlawfully expanding the war from Afghanistan to another country. We were invading a sovereign nation and we should leave poor old Sadam alone. The fight, we were told by the left and the press, should have been in Afghanistan and entering any other country was illegal. I firmly remember all of those types of statements being said. It wasn't necessarily the folks in Washington but the left was on fire and so was the press.
Move forward to roughly nine months ago. President Obama started using air strikes against the Taliban on both sides of the Afghan and Pakistani border. He has authorized ground forces to work cross border with our Pakistani allies to take the fight to the Taliban and he has been at least somewhat successful with this strategy. I will and have taken him to task when I felt it was appropriate, I must also give him credit on this one.
Having said that I have to ask why is there such a stunning silence in the press and on the far left about his expanding the war into another nation? Is it because we are working with at least parts of the Pakistani government? We know that there are other parts of that government that are actively working against us. Is it because it is a neighboring nation that is having issues with some of the same people that we have been fighting? I really don't know the answer, what I do know is that there is a resounding silence from the far left and the press and we know that it can't be because they are hypocrites so it must be my imagination.
March 12, 2010
February 23, 2010
Hypocritical, Nah...
I've been watching the political cartoons over the past few days with some interest. Between the smarmy whacks at Gen. Haig after his death to today's shots at Vice-President Cheney after his heart attack I've noticed that there seems to be an abundance of "artists" who have no qualms about attacking someone who has either just died or has had a major health emergency. The funniest part of this is that these are some of the same people who were completely aghast when people had something untoward to say about Teddy Kennedy and Chappaquiddick after the late senator's death. Well I'm going to put my two cents in on this one. Deb Milbraith, I hope that you never have a major medical crisis in your life that someone decides to deride you about. MStreeter and Scott Santis, I hope that neither of you have ever done anything that you regret before you meet St. Peter. Then again none of you is a conservative so you probably won't have those types of worries, just those that go with answering the questions at the pearly gates.
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